Octogenarians Still Living Should get Senior Independently Home Care

2 min readOct 28, 2020

Teens to Fifty

If you’re in your eighties it means you lived through the Great Depression, World War II, and possibly even World War I. It may be that you actually saw people begging for food door to door after the stock market crashed in 1929, or that you listened to Seabiscuit’s big match race on a car radio in the 1930s. You saw the advent of social security and heard about the Pearl Harbor attack sitting in the living room of your family home in 1941.

You probably saw a ticker-tape parade along the way, ate mashed potatoes or pasta with Grandma on many a Sunday, visited church more than once a year, listened to big bands, and prayed for the Korean War to end. You voted.

Whatever the personal story might add to this list, the fact that someone reaches eighty years of age and still lives at home is a testimonial to the human spirit and deserves a little recognition. There were far lesser achievements than this in the past four-score years. “Senior home care for all octogenarians!” is my slogan. Dial A Home Care provides you the most convenient home care services in Herndon, VA.

The Sixties

Work and home were going pretty well but the price of freedom keeps being recalculated. War came again and you saw society go crazy. Equal rights moved a step closer — from concept to reality. You saw a president and other noble citizens assassinated and a man landed on the moon.

Probably, in the sixties, you started to question what retirement would be like. The term senior home care had yet to come into existence, but it was coming.

Seventy, Seventy-Five, Eighty

Senior home care finally began to come into its own with the aging of the bumper crop we call baby boomers’. What happened to retirement and social security? We’ll leave answering those questions to the historians. It’s probably better if we keep to the surface here and joyfully discover that an eighty-year-old is still alive and kicking, at home in 2006. This in itself is a success story!

Senior home care for all octogenarians!” is my slogan. You may not agree with me but at least you might share my hope that if you live to be eighty, you can still live at home if you want to — with dignity and a few basic senior home care services provided just because’.




Dial A Home Care is a premium home care services agency established in Herndon, VA providing care services to families and individuals in NoVA .